Yes, we clean oceans
but how we do it matters.

Seven Clean Seas

At Seven Clean Seas, our philosophy embodies a holistic approach to combating plastic pollution, intertwining environmental restoration with social empowerment. Beyond removing plastic debris, we believe in generating fairly paid formal jobs to uplift impacted coastal communities and nurture a sense of environmental stewardship. Our commitment to marine ecosystems, education and gender equality,  underscores our mission, reflecting our belief in sustainability, compassion, and the transformative power of informed and empowered communities.

Our pillars of
Social Impact

Maximising social impact is at the core of every project we build and operate. Below is a deep dive into the 3 pillars of social impact that Seven Clean Seas focus on.

When social and environmental impact meet, amazing things happen.

The environment does not exist in isolation; it is deeply interwoven with the social fabric of our local communities. By focusing on maximising social impact alongside our environmental efforts, we amplify the reach and effectiveness of all Seven Clean Seas projects. This holistic approach ensures that our actions not only protect and restore natural ecosystems but also enhance the well-being and resilience of the communities we serve. By aligning our environmental missions with social enrichment, we multiply the positive outcomes, creating a ripple effect of sustainable progress and shared prosperity.

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Impact Projects

Seven Clean Seas exists to build and operate impact projects that clean the oceans and generate fairly paid, formal jobs.

Batam, Indonesia

Batam, an industrial hub in the Riau Archipelago with 1.2 million residents, faces escalating plastic pollution. Local waters, once crystal-clear, now suffer from plastic debris, posing health risks. Seven Clean Seas launched a plastic collection initiative, but challenges persist, as a significant portion of collected waste is non-recyclable, heading to Batam's landfill.


Bintan, Indonesia

​​Bintan Island, the original Seven Clean Seas Impact Project, is home to 150,000 residents and vibrant marine life and faces severe ocean plastic pollution. Currents bring ocean plastic waste to its shores, compounded by inadequate waste management. Dugongs, dolphins, and sea turtles are at risk.


River Bengkong, Indonesia

The Bengkong River, a 2.81 km river situated within our Ocean Impact Project sites, originates in the heart of Batam and courses through densely populated residential and industrial areas, ultimately discharging into the ocean. Unfortunately, the river's current state reveals a disconcerting black colouration and an accumulation of waste, notably plastic.


HIPPO, Thailand

Chao Phraya river ranks 1st in the country and 15th globally as the top plastic-emitting river. The river transports around 4 million kg of riverine plastic annually, including serious concerns about microplastic pollution in its surface and sediment. But here comes the HIPPO, our High Impact Plastic POllution remover that's about to drastically change the status quo.


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Our Projects Circularity

Plastic is a super material, but these properties make it pervasive in the environment and difficult to process. Below us a summary of the solutions we have in place to keep the plastic out of the environment forever.

Traditional Recycling

Processing used materials by using well-known methods (e.g., sorting, regranulation, and compounding) into new products.

Non-recyclables to bricks

Transforming plastic that is commonly not being recycled into bricks, offering eco-friendly alternatives for construction.

Waste to energy

Utilising waste as a fuel source to generate energy, diverting and minimising the burden of landfills.

Building Materials

Substituting traditional materials with recycled plastics for eco-friendly building components, like roof plates.

The importance of
3rd party certification

All Seven Clean Seas projects are 3rd party certified and independently audited annually. We believe that you can’t mark your own homework, so we open our doors for the professionals.


Standard setter: Verra, Zero Plastic Oceans (ZPO)

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Plastic waste reduction standard, Ocean Bound Plastic Neutrality Subprogram

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Proudly audited by
Control Union

Since day one of our projects, Control Union has been our ace partner. As an approved body by Verra and ZPO, they play a key role in ensuring that our projects meet top-notch standards, guaranteeing quality and integrity every step of the way.

Is it time to start your
ocean impact journey?